Thursday, April 23, 2009

Please choose freedom over security

Here is the text of a pro-freedom letter I wrote my Colorado Senator:

Senator Bennet,
I am concerned that lawmakers are trying to take it upon themselves to control every aspect of society in an attempt to create an utopia.

In your newsletter you said we may risk being the first generation to bequeath less opportunity to our children. I believe that when government displaces private action, it does just that! I see your job creation, health care, and educational programs as displacements of private action which, no matter how well intentioned, will reduce freedom and prosperity.

America has been a dynamo of job creation precisely because of the relative freedom of private industry. And even if it means that we reap what we sow during hard times, isn't that the price of freedom? Isn't is part of freedom to experience lows as well as highs? Please don't assume that all of your constituents value prosperity over freedom or even security over freedom.

Our health care system has problems, but they are the problems of being overly socialized already! Please consider that our nation has ruined healthcare precisely because we have mandated employers to be involved. We already have a oligarchic few-payer system. The single-payer system doubles down on that. Please look at the research that shows that we can solve our health care by adding freedom, not by regulating it further.

Instead of promising the moon and the sky, please consider that America is great because we can choose our futures, not because Washington dictates safe outcomes.

Ironically, freedom breeds prosperity. If you do nothing but assure Americans that the our laws will be enforced and the dollar will be stable (by not overspending) the economy will come back all by itself. It will be cyclical, but it always has been. And if you free up Americans to choose their educational venues (via vouchers for example) you'll see education flourish. The answer is freedom.
Sir, I hope you'll have the opportunity to consider these views. Thank you.

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